Saying Goodbye to Palaiokastritsa

The village of Palaiokastritsa has been my favorite place we’ve visited so far on this trip, and it was hard to say goodbye. But, we have lots more exploring to do! So yesterday, we took a last rainy ride around on our rented scooter before heading to Corfu Town.

Due to the rain, the normally packed beach was completely deserted. This really is a sun-focused destination.

We drove up to the nearby monastery, stopping for some great views along the way.

I know this monastery is a place of religious significance, but it was honestly the plants that stole the show. Especially the enormous cacti.

After that, it was time to pick up our suitcases and take a bus to Kerkyra (Corfu Town).

Or so we thought. Apparently the busses don’t come to Palaiokastritsa if the weather is bad. We waited for about an hour before ordering an Uber. Three cheers for rideshare apps!