Lisbon’s Castelo de S. Jorge
Last week, James and I arrived at our very last stop on this wild and wonderful journey. Which is Lisbon!

I’ve been a bit negligent with the blog this week, in part because Lisbon is the sort of place where you just… be. And I don’t know how to write a post that’s like, “we wandered around for six hours and ate our body weights in pastries”. But today we went to a real AttractionTM, and so I have something specific to tell you about.
It’s this castle!

The Castelo de São Jorge dates back to 200 BC. It’s been ruled by Romans (139 BC), Muslims (800 AD), and Christians (1100 AD) over the course of its long life. Currently, the castle receives millions of visitors every year. One of the main reasons it’s such a popular attraction is because it sits on the highest hill in very hilly Lisbon, offering incredible views of the city.

After taking your obligatory skyline Instragram shots, you can also explore the castle walls. They have those prototypical castle wall teeth and arched windows that you would find in a child’s drawing of a castle.

James, get down from there.

There’s also a cool terrace, and a museum where you can learn more about the history of the castle and surrounding area.

I’m fully convinced that the person who wrote this label had lied on their resume about having a background in ceramic history and wound up in over their head.
“Meals were for… uh… gatherings! And people ate from bowls. They drank from… cups! Yep, this is good shit. No one will suspect a thing.”

There were also peacocks at the castle.
Who wore it better?

And that’s S. Jorge’s Castle for you. I’ll try to share more about this stunning city soon!