Hiking to the Berat Castle

This morning, we set out nice and early for Berat Castle, which is the main attraction in Berat.

To get to the castle from downtown, you can take a steep but beautiful 30-minute walk up a cobblestone alley. Or, you can take a taxi to the top.

Because the castle is on a hill, it provides some stunning views of the surrounding city and mountains.

The castle itself was first constructed in the 4th century BC, and was rebuilt several times, most recently in the 13th century. It is a small town unto itself, with houses, restaurants, museums, churches, a mosque, and even a hotel inside the fortress walls.

Here, I’m just softly repeating to myself that my suitcase has no room for a rug. I do *not* have room for a rug…

This cannon is believed to have been made by a British gunfounder in 1684. We were getting all set up to take a neat photo with it when this stray dog showed up! Best to let sleeping dogs lie.

I find it interesting that despite the age of these structures, you’re permitted to just climb around on them?

James, get down from there.